Accessories / Upgrades |
- 128 Meg. PC-133 Memory . . $39.00
- 256 Meg. PC-133 Memory . . $69.00
- 256 Meg. DDR Memory . . . . $79.00
- 512 Meg. DDR Memory . . . .$139.00
- Flat Panel Speakers w/Sub . .$25.00
- Altec Lansing 4.1 Speakers . $45.00
- 16x10x40 CD-RW Burner . . .$69.00
- APC 350VA Backups Office .$89.00
Monitor Prices (not full retail)
- 17"
.27dp CRT (from 15"CRT) $20.00
- 19"
.26dp CRT (from 15"CRT) $60.00
- 19"
.26dp CRT (from 17"CRT) $40.00
- 15"
Flat LCD (from 15"CRT) .$210.00
- 17"
Flat LCD (from 15"LCD) .$230.00
- Works
Suite 2002 . . . . . . . . $14.00
- Microsoft
Office XP SB . . . .$189.00
- Microsoft
Office XP Pro . . . .$329.00
- Norton
Anti-Virus 2002 . . . . .$29.00
CAD/Graphics Business System
. . . $2159.00 |
- 21"
.25dp CRT Monitor
- 2100
XP AMD Palomino Processor
- 512
Meg. DDR Memory
- 60
Gig. ATA-100 Hard Drive
- Medium
Size Tower
- 3.50"
Floppy Drive
- Iomega
Zip Drive
- 56X
CD-ROM Drive
- 40x12x40
Plextor CD-RW Burner
- Audio/Flat
Panel Speakers w/Sub
- 128
Meg. nVidia GF4 TI4400 High End 3D Video Card
- 56K
Win Modem
- Optical
Cordless Logitech Mouse and Keyboard
- Windows
XP Professional
- Star
Office Suite
Fun & Business for the Home .
. . . $1329.00 |
- 17"
.27dp CRT Monitor
- 1800
XP AMD Palomino Processor
- 256
Meg. DDR Memory
- 40
Gig. ATA-100 Hard Drive
- Medium
Size Tower
- 3.50"
Floppy Drive
- 16X
- 32x10x40
CD-RW Burner
- Altec
Lansing 4.1 Speaker System
- Sound
Blaster Audigy MP3
- 64
Meg. ATI Radeon 8500 DDR w/TV Out
- 56K
Win Modem
- Optical
Mouse/Windows Keyboard
- Windows
XP Home
- Star
Office Suite